See "micro" know | application of small peptide chelate salt in laying hen production
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2022-05-13 14:52
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As we all know, the focus of layer breeding is to improve the laying rate and egg production of laying hens. Small peptide chelated trace elements can not only improve the production performance of laying hens, but also improve the quality of eggs.
Today we will focus on sharingApplication of Small Peptide Chelate Salt in Laying Hens Production.

Improve egg production rate and reduce feed-egg ratio
①Du Liwu et alIn the diet of laying hens with complex small peptide chelate trace elements instead of inorganic trace elements, the results showed thatThe egg production rate of inorganic trace elements added always fluctuated around 87%, while the egg production rate of the test group rose from 87% to 91%, an increase of 4%..

in addition,The average daily egg production of the experimental group increased from 54g to 57.9g, an increase of 4.13g over the control group, an overall increase of 7.68.

②Inkee等The diets of laying hens were supplemented with iron methionine (Fe-Met) and small peptide chelated iron (Fe-SP), respectively.
It was found that the daily egg production rate decreased significantly after adding 100 mg/kg of iron methionine for 35 days, and the ratio of feed to egg increased significantly,while addingThe egg production rate and egg weight were significantly increased in the 100 and 200 mg/kg Fe-SP groups, indicating that small peptide chelated iron can promote the production performance of laying hens compared with iron methionine..

Hen-day egg production:产蛋率
Egg weight: egg weight
Feed conversion: ratio of feed to egg
③ Jia Jiuman et alThe premix prepared by small peptide chelated zinc and zinc sulfate was fed to laying hens, respectively.
The results showed that there was no significant difference in egg production rate between the experimental group and the control group;The average daily egg production increased by 4.14g, 7.28%, the difference was significant, and the average egg weight increased by 8.52%, the difference was significant..

④ Luo Ling et alTo study the effect of small peptide chelated iron on the production performance of laying hens during the peak laying period in summer, 0.04% small peptide iron was added to the basic diet of laying hens. The results showed thatSignificantly improved egg production rate at week 6 and reduced feed-egg ratio.
Improve egg quality
① Zhao Suolin, etc.Small peptide chelated trace elements were used to replace inorganic trace elements, and its effects on the production performance and egg quality of laying hens were studied.
The results of the study showed thatProtein height and Hastelloy units were higher than those of the control group.,Both indicators reached significant levels. The results showed that the small peptide chelated trace elements can significantly improve the egg protein height and Hastelloy unit value,Improve egg quality.

Group A: adding inorganic trace elements, control group
Group B: Small peptides chelate trace elements to completely replace inorganic trace elements
Group C: Addition of small peptide chelated trace elements according to 1/2NRC standard
Group D: small peptide chelated trace elements were added according to 1/4NRC standard
The test results also showed that compared with the control group, the test group significantly reduced the probability of broken eggs, soft eggs, and salamander eggs.
② Li Chenghui and so onThe study also reported that the use of small peptide chelated trace elements to feed laying hens can reduce cholesterol content to a certain extent and improve egg quality.
The test results show that the test group compared with the control group,The cholesterol content of egg yolk decreased by 1.26 mg/g and 15.35%, the difference was significant; the color value of egg yolk increased by 0.86 and 14.58%, the difference was significant, thus improving the egg quality.

③ Luo Ling, Qu Xiangyong, etc.It is reported that small peptide chelated iron can promote the enrichment of iron in egg yolk and increase the iron content.
Iron content in egg yolk at the end of the 3rd weekLinear increase with the increase of dietary small peptide chelated iron supplemental level,By the end of the 6th week, the iron content in egg yolkRemarkable stability after a significant increase in the level of small peptide chelated iron addition.

Note: The diets of groups A, B, C and D were supplemented with 0 mg/kg coated acidifier and 0 (control group), 0.04, 0.08 and 0.12 small peptide chelated iron respectively. The diets of groups E, F, G and H were supplemented with 300 mg/kg coated acidifier and 0.04, 0.08 and 0.12 small peptide chelated iron respectively.
Small Peptide Chelate Salt-Xing Peptide Le
Xing Peptide-- It is made by chelating soybean protein isolate and trace elements under specific conditions. It is a clean, efficient and safe small peptide chelating salt.Small volume, large energy, good stability, efficient absorptionand other characteristics.

In order to explore the effect of Xingtilele on the production performance and egg quality of breeders, Xingtenke was used in the breeders of a breeding group in Guangdong.500g/ton full price material xingxiole breeding poultry composite packageSubstitution of other inorganic trace elements for testing.
The test results show that before the use of xingtile, the late egg laying rate decreased from 62% to 53%, the useThe egg production rate remained basically stable after Hingtiletide and increased by 2% at the end of the trial..

It has the same effect on white feather broilers. As can be seen from the figure below, there is a continuous downward trend in the late egg laying rate before and after the use of Xingtile, from 67.85 to 49.89 per cent,The egg production rate remained stable after the use of Hineptide, from 50.36 to 53.21 per cent..

In addition, xingxiole canReduce the rate of broken eggs and improve the rate of qualified eggs..

Through the above research shows that Hing Peptide can be.Slow down the laying rate of laying hens in the late laying period,Extend the laying period of laying hens and improve economic returns.;simultaneously onReduced occurrence of broken eggs,Improve the rate of qualified eggsAlso has a role.
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